One Spirit Medical Missions

Christ centered medical care 





Our Mission

The poverty in Haiti is real and it creates a tremendous gap in availability to even the most basic medical care. OSMM exists to encourage & facilitate self-sufficiency in community health. We do this by training & supporting local community health workers. We are providing scholarships to local students interested in medical careers and service. Our goal is to honor God in all that we do.


Hope through Healing


Our Motivation

As Christians we feel loved by God and our response is to love God and love people. Love motivates us to use our skills and knowledge to serve those in need of healing, both physically and spiritually.

At OSMM our focus is on physical healing through medicine but since love is our motivation we see spiritual growth as well. Healthy minds and healthy bodies can give a person hope.  


Our Story

Serving faithfully since 2011

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One day there was an earthquake...

After visiting several times with our church it was widely recognized that medical care in Haiti was a serious problem. A group of medical personnel including an eye doctor, pediatricians and nurses arranged a trip to perform a clinic for the school children and local adults at Terra Noire. The departure date was set for January 16, 2010 and the team was ready and excited to go. Our plans for the Clinic were derailed however when on January 12th Haiti’s capitol city, Port au Prince, was hit with a devastating earthquake.

The Clinic would have to wait but in the meantime our concern for the medical needs of the Haitian people was growing.



Ready to help?



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